Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cat of Rob found guilty in court of Rob. (This is a lot of nonsense I know).

After a hard day being Rob, Rob returned to find his life changed forever. His four legged friend (or to be more accuratly, four legged fiend) was caught on camera doing something leaving a mess for Rob to clear up. Look below.

The crime of leaving hair on Rob's bed was frowned apon in the court this day. The judge critised this act in his opening speech, "The act of molting takes place in the warmer months of the year." Of course in defence the cat claimed: "Meow" then began to purr loudly which could not be stopped even after a great amount of attention given to him.

The court found the cat guilty and gave him the penitly of eating nothing but cat food. To this the cat replied by licking himself. When given this food, the cat showed his true colours by eating it quickly and looking pleased afterwards to the shock of the court. The cat left the court room trying to hide from the press.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this court is a sham!!! the cat never stood a chance! someone get him a defenc lawyer!!!!

November 17, 2005 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nonsense, the cat must be stoped before it can cause any more harm to innocent robs.

November 19, 2005 11:24 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...


November 20, 2005 9:38 AM  

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