Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm seeing Red.

No Rob is not wearing pink.

Rob isn't angry just well a little crazy!! I spoke out against him and now I am going to be destroyed tommorrow in the evening next year. Be ready for it. Anyway today in the land of Rob.

The sharks have been swimming around in the sea. Although local scientists have claimed that we are in no danger, we just can't rule out the possiblity of invasion from above in the form of flying telephones.

In other news the war between this country and another has come to an end today. Apart from the large scale confusion with people not knowing there was a war on there were large celebrations held in the streets to welcome home the heros.

Now since I am tired I close by saying that I am quite mad and have no idea why they asked me to read the news.

Just in. "Tweat tweat quack quack moo moo" was the topic in debate at the high court this afternoon in the case of the people verses Sammy Thatpersonnobodyhasheardofbecauseijustmadehimup. The court found the people guilty of the crime and sentenced them to life imprissonment. "It feels good to see justice served after all this time" Sammy said in a statement made after the trial. Sammy can now return to his farm safe in the knowledge that there is now no one in this country who can annoy him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thatpersonnobodyhasheardofbecauseijustmadehimup : lol, very good wob
from neil

March 30, 2006 1:37 PM  
Blogger Rob-151 said...


March 30, 2006 3:34 PM  

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