Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jingle bells?

Oh the horror, oh the cold.

Evil molemen, giant ducks and invading green and so much more!! And now this!!!

The Land of Rob was hit by a large blizzard!! Oh no. Many were lost to the terrible might of the fluffy white stuff as great balls of it were thrown by terrible beings that had inslaved the minds of the happy people of Rob. The sky full of white bombs falling on the unsuspecting turning them too into crazed loonies (rather like Rob really) who's sole purpose was to throw the snow at others (not like Rob).

And it gets worse.

Strange white men were spotted wondering the streets smiling mockingly at everyone who passed. Hanging around street corners in hats and scraves. Wearing whites coats to match their skin, pretending to be naked!! Oh the... the... the... just a sec... the... the... the... wait it's coming... the... erm... You know I can't think of a word to go there. Oh the anyway.

People we told to stay indoors on that fateful day by our wonderful leader Rob who so bravely marched out alone into the snow armed with a sledge, which he insists is the only way to fight the white menace. Oh Rob we salute you for you bravery in charging down those hills on your sledge.

It's now all other but the fear stays. When will Spring come and save us from this terror? It's mid-March and the flowers are coming but that seems to be no guarantee against the wrath of the old whitey.


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