Wednesday, December 14, 2005

News in the Land of Rob. The events when they happen brought to you by Rob's team, live.

Today headlines were made when spotted by people of Rob, strange flying objects were reported moving across the sky. As to the cause, scientists and Rob followers were left baffled as they watched the objects flying slowly through the air. The great Rob had claimed today that "there is no cause for alarm, except that we may all be destroyed like in various movies." But after all the mass panic had calmed down, it was proven that the objects were experimental airships created by scientists from our neighbour country. Yes thanks to the quick action from our loving and forgiving leader, Rob, we are now at full scale war with this country.

In sport today the death match between the great warriors saw it's first death today after months of bad publisity from the public because of "no real deaths." Now that it has finaly happened nobody is planning to attened another fight. When interviewed the fans said "it's just no fun when it's real. We were wrong to say otherwise." After these events happened the owners of death match were destroyed.
The yearly swimming championship was concluded without any hitches. The overall champion, Dioty Jackson, was awarded a gold medal given to him by his local counciler.

In other news the dust that was spotted last month in Rob Ville was not caused by the mole men of doom but by giant ducks. A solution to this problem has not yet been reached but the local counciler insists that they shall soon have it under control. Meanwhile the giant ducks seem to be gathering in numbers for what we all assume will be an attack on this country.

In more important news Rob has shown how much of a loving leader he is by dressing someone up as a santa to hand out one gift this year to the first person he meets on the street. Yes indeed you can almost see a warm glow of kindness coming from him. It is going to be a very merry christman thanks to Rob who has found it in his heart to allow this holiday to happen after twenty years.


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