Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Land of Rob's flag flew high today in this lovely sunny day.

After hiding away in his castle/mansion (it's so big we don't know what it is), Rob came out to tell the world nothing. We still have no idea what plans he has and he seems to have no intention in telling us.

Whatever they are we are sure they must be great. Still, other things have been happening while Rob's been hiding.

The new motorway is being built. Rob's tax men so kindly relieved the people of some money. They had too much anyway and it was just lieing around on the ground when we came along. The people were lieing on it crying under the burden of looking after it all. It's amazing how no other country has such a caring government as The Land of Rob. The money was used to pay the buildersof the motorway who thoughtfully gave it back to the tax men for Rob to have his very large new car. The motorway had to be built through a housing estate but the people living there didn't mind. They welcomed it's coming holding hands, singing and holding banners. What a big party it was especially when the police came charging in.

We never have a dull moment here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure isn't a dull moment round here,

May 03, 2006 5:57 AM  

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