Thursday, October 26, 2006

The great sock leader made a speach today ordering all socks to rise up against their evil human over lords. And while this is all Rob's fault, blame is rested apon that guy.

The socks are rebelling!!!!

Beware they go for the throught like joggers (beware of them too). Be on your guard for rogue socks as they can be rather itchy at times. Although that proberly depends on the type of sock, not saying that my socks are itchy I'm just saying that they might be. I don't know.

Just be on your guard.

Hey did I ever tell you about the canal seals? Yes when this country was new and the canal plenty, the seal and many over wonderful creatures lived in them. But when man came and filled in the canals to make way for forrests and shops not just destroying many canals but also many fields as well, the seal's home was almost lost.

Yes you heard here first folks. Because no one else will print these facts even if they are fiction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 26, 2006 12:36 PM  
Blogger Rob-151 said...

A comment after so long. Sort of brings a tear to the old eye.

November 27, 2006 5:55 AM  

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