Sunday, February 12, 2006

Robbing the past.

A few days ago Rob met up with Tim (seen above) who lives in the highlands of Scotland (Och aye the noo). Up there Rob found a portal leading to his past (for some reason) and (for some other reason) he decided to explore it. Oh by the way this just everyday life for Rob.
Now begins the wacky adventures of Rob trying to get back to his own time. Erm... Incase you havn't guessed it, this and the "missing Rob" bit are just cheap excuses for us to do this.
Thusly From Rob to sob is about to re open.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Things can only get better here in The Land of Rob as The Great Rob slowly learns about all the resources at his fingertips. After... What's that? Oh yes we found Rob. Where was he? Well we still have to find that out. He aint talking. What is there left that can be used on the net? Well it seems that the sky's the limit. Ha ha ha.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Rob goes forum? What?

Click here to see what I mean.

Before The Land of Rob was created someone called ComsRygor made a surgestion that I should have a forum. Rob wasn't sure what to do with it but since he is missing I shall take over and make one. Now I think in order to used it you have become a registered user of the forum but that only means your name appears and no one can steal it. Oh come on give me break, I'm new to all this.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

On the trail for Rob.

Where he is is a real mystery. We search for clues and each one leads us to a place where he has been but is no longer. So many deadends. On so many trails that turn out to be left by snails. The night closes in and we are cold.

Why couldn't Rob be lost in the summer and in some tropical island. Hey there's a thought. I'll look there. Found him!!! Oh wait that's a monkey. Wait a minute. That monkey has Rob's shoe. What does this mean? Well for one thing it means we are getting closer to Rob. Now monkey. Drop that shoe. DROP IT!!! No don't eat me!!! Help!!! No don't stand there laughing, help me!! OW!!! It bit me but I have the shoe. Erm anyone know the way to the nearest hospital. I don't like the look of this bite.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


The Land of Rob has never seen such horror. First the mystery of the vanishing Rob and now this.

Today a strange mist covered the land causing mass panic throughout the streets. The search for Rob had to be called off as the searchers were lost in the mist.

And it gets worse.

Strange roaring noises were heard coming from an area of mist which was once the road. Our top scientists believe that new creatures have been created by the mist. They insist that we can expect dragon like creatures roaming the landscape in the near future.

The town next to ours has completely vanished. What could have happened to them? No one has yet dared venture to where it used to be to find out. All we can do now at this time is hope. Hope that what horrible things that could have happened to these people will not affect us.

Rob, if you can hear this, know that we are coming to find you just as soon as this mist clears and we have weapons to fight these beasts that are invading our peaceful land.