Tuesday, April 10, 2007

When Rob announced that he wanted to rule the UK and expand his ever growing (and shrinking at the same time. You know it makes sense) empire, alot of you thought he was joking. Far from it. Infact we're about to unveil Rob's great plan for the future.

To fund this great campaign, Rob has made those lazy workers work even harder by bringing in mad bulls that will crush anyone out of line. Mad bulls? Did I read that right? Oh well.

Over the following days Rob shall be touring the country and explaining why a vote for Rob's empire will be one you'll never regret.

Take this beauty spot for example. With Rob's new found powers he will be able to turn this lovely sight into a spectacular death camp where the prisoners will enjoy the finest torture money can buy. Not only that but they can enjoy a relaxing swim when the water is full of crocodiles hand bred from egg by the finest animal tamers around. Not a single penny will go to waste improving this already beautiful sight.

But I'm betting you're all saying: "this is too good to be true what's the catch?" Why no catch of course. What we say is what you'll get and if any rival politicians get in the way Rob's army will happily explain to them why it is for the best.

Stay tuned for more plans by Rob for your land. Vote Rob.


Blogger Aaron said...

> spectacular death camp

That's a lawl :)

August 07, 2007 3:16 AM  

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