Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas cheer in The Land of Rob.

After a long and slightly comical battle with many made up casualties we won the war. Yes we made Rob fall. See him standing here proud before we got to him. We soon did not wipe the smile from his face. Yes we spread Christmas cheer to Rob but how did we do this?

Well the answer is an epic story which we shortened to a silly short one instead. Enjoy...

Tim wasn't dead to begin with but we pretened he was to see what happened. We covered him in flower and a large piece of white matterial and...well we lost the chains so we used a dustbin lid instead. We attached a photo of Tim on Rob's door bell but it fell off so we just swore a little and posted it instead. Rob never got the message.

That night Tim used his key to enter Rob's house to scare him. Did it work? Well after Tim woke up in hospital three days later we figured that he did succed in scaring Rob just a little.

So after those few days we thought now was the time to carry on with the plan. We dressed Rob's pet cat up as a ghost in hope that it would show his past. (Oh if you havn't guessed we doing a parody of Charlies Dickens': A christmas carol, in case you were confused.) Well it didn't show Rob his past but it did make him act like a child again when he cried and ran to his mummy and... Ok that never happened. He was angry though so we just blaimed his next door neighbour and hoped he didn't end up face down in the river.

We couldn't think about what to do for ghost of christmas present so we just gave Rob a chocolate bar which did make him enjoy the present and no that wasn't a pun. No, quit laughing. Oh you were laughing at me were you. I'll ignore that and move on.

For the ghost of christmas future we dumped a rug over Rob's head and pushed him off a small cliff. Why we did this we just don't know but it was funny anyway. Oh Rob was fine if you're wondering. He seemed to dance with joy when he pulled the rug off. We were quite abit above him and we were walking away but we were sure we could hear him signing christmas carols.

Anyway after this little adventure we had to bring christmas cheer to Rob we made our first success. Rob is full of christmas cheer now that he's suing us for what we did to him. He sure is jolly now. HO HO HO.

Rob now powerful and wealthy. He wears his santa hat and waves to us from his mansion somewhere in the country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huurray to Rob and his santa hat. And the Christmas cheer.

December 21, 2005 1:57 AM  
Blogger Rob-151 said...

Jingle bells

December 21, 2005 8:56 AM  

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