Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm seeing Red.

No Rob is not wearing pink.

Rob isn't angry just well a little crazy!! I spoke out against him and now I am going to be destroyed tommorrow in the evening next year. Be ready for it. Anyway today in the land of Rob.

The sharks have been swimming around in the sea. Although local scientists have claimed that we are in no danger, we just can't rule out the possiblity of invasion from above in the form of flying telephones.

In other news the war between this country and another has come to an end today. Apart from the large scale confusion with people not knowing there was a war on there were large celebrations held in the streets to welcome home the heros.

Now since I am tired I close by saying that I am quite mad and have no idea why they asked me to read the news.

Just in. "Tweat tweat quack quack moo moo" was the topic in debate at the high court this afternoon in the case of the people verses Sammy Thatpersonnobodyhasheardofbecauseijustmadehimup. The court found the people guilty of the crime and sentenced them to life imprissonment. "It feels good to see justice served after all this time" Sammy said in a statement made after the trial. Sammy can now return to his farm safe in the knowledge that there is now no one in this country who can annoy him.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Rob on the net's back (for now at least)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh horror of horrors.

The Land of Rob is having it's fair share of troubles this year.

The snow that attacked was nearly all melted away and so we thought we were safe but it was not to be.

Oh how the memory fills me with dred, oh how the mere mention of it chills me. A sudden new attack happened this very morning without warning. Blocking roads, burning buildings and killing many people whom I just made up in my head this very second.

Luckily the snow has melted away but the attack still comes. The troops are holding our defences well but will it last? Will we soon be covered in snow again? Will the Land of Rob fall? Will I ever stop talking nonsense? Will they let me go and not eat me? These are the questions that the people of Rob are asking themselves while they get the pot ready and the axes sharp.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jingle bells?

Oh the horror, oh the cold.

Evil molemen, giant ducks and invading green and so much more!! And now this!!!

The Land of Rob was hit by a large blizzard!! Oh no. Many were lost to the terrible might of the fluffy white stuff as great balls of it were thrown by terrible beings that had inslaved the minds of the happy people of Rob. The sky full of white bombs falling on the unsuspecting turning them too into crazed loonies (rather like Rob really) who's sole purpose was to throw the snow at others (not like Rob).

And it gets worse.

Strange white men were spotted wondering the streets smiling mockingly at everyone who passed. Hanging around street corners in hats and scraves. Wearing whites coats to match their skin, pretending to be naked!! Oh the... the... the... just a sec... the... the... the... wait it's coming... the... erm... You know I can't think of a word to go there. Oh the anyway.

People we told to stay indoors on that fateful day by our wonderful leader Rob who so bravely marched out alone into the snow armed with a sledge, which he insists is the only way to fight the white menace. Oh Rob we salute you for you bravery in charging down those hills on your sledge.

It's now all other but the fear stays. When will Spring come and save us from this terror? It's mid-March and the flowers are coming but that seems to be no guarantee against the wrath of the old whitey.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Rob - Providing light and heat throughout the world.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Attack of the green!!!

The green has come and is right now attacking The Land of Rob. What the reason for this is no body knows. The Rob (seen above doing a very odd pose) has demanded that all green should be removed at once. But those confused and silly words of wisdom were said too late as the green came and entered Rob's giant fortress. What are we to do with all this green?