Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy new year.

Yes sir the new year is in and we are back as we said we would be. May this be a lesson to all those who ever wonder: ROB WILL NEVER ABANDON THIS SITE EVER (OR AT LEAST WITHOUT LETTING YOU KNOW)!!!!!! Now we are in the middle of a party here so i'll say goodnioghtvkvn. andr a dhappy newd yearrgb,cdesfgj *hick.*

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I don't know about where you are but over here it is midnight which means that it is Christmas here. So I'll say it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! YEAH!!!!!!!



Christmas is coming, The Rob is getting fat,
Please put a penny in the old sod's hat.

Yes indeed. Jingle bells. Over here we are really getting into the christmas spirit. Rob has just opened a bottle of something what could it be? Wait a minute. Lemonade? Oh come on!! We wanted something more along the lines of... Well you know... Coke or something. Don't call me a cry baby. That's it you asked for it. Hey come on it's traditional to have an arguement and fight at christmas, right? There you see no come backs. Yer, I put the Rob in his placeerm... What are you doing with that phone? No put it down. I didn't mean!! No...Help!!!! I guess I'm fired.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A giant dolphin was spotted flying over Rob Ville today.

This strange creature was seen terrorising locals by flying over their houses siging "this little piggy went ot market" over and over. The best scientists were left baffled as no resonable explination could be thought of. We interviewed Jonny the idiot B.S.C. about this stranged event. "Well we have had many giant dolphins spotted here, even ones that fly and sing. But never have we seen one that sings in english before." Shortley after this interview Jonny the idiot B.S.C. was taking away by the men in white jackets.

To the rescue came Rob's cat. The battle raged for ten years and was spectacular with missiles, guns, bombs, trees, CDs, jumpers, string, a small bouncy ball, that thing I had as child and don't know it is anymore, crayons, batteries and shopping bags. With a mighty attack from the aliens, Earth was completely destroyed and... Wait what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, the dolphin. Oh that was boring. Let's talk about me instead. Now I may not be great like Rob but I am sure...What? Ok ok I'll carry on.

The cat towering over the flying height of the dolphin simply put out his paw and the fight was over. The dalphin was defeated and the nursery rhyme stopped once and for all.

The dolphin now lay defeated on the ground below our local moggy. With a great cry of "dinner time" the dolphin was replaced by several hundred dirty plates. Oh and I hope these events do not discourrage you from visiting Rob Ville in the near future.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas cheer in The Land of Rob.

After a long and slightly comical battle with many made up casualties we won the war. Yes we made Rob fall. See him standing here proud before we got to him. We soon did not wipe the smile from his face. Yes we spread Christmas cheer to Rob but how did we do this?

Well the answer is an epic story which we shortened to a silly short one instead. Enjoy...

Tim wasn't dead to begin with but we pretened he was to see what happened. We covered him in flower and a large piece of white matterial and...well we lost the chains so we used a dustbin lid instead. We attached a photo of Tim on Rob's door bell but it fell off so we just swore a little and posted it instead. Rob never got the message.

That night Tim used his key to enter Rob's house to scare him. Did it work? Well after Tim woke up in hospital three days later we figured that he did succed in scaring Rob just a little.

So after those few days we thought now was the time to carry on with the plan. We dressed Rob's pet cat up as a ghost in hope that it would show his past. (Oh if you havn't guessed we doing a parody of Charlies Dickens': A christmas carol, in case you were confused.) Well it didn't show Rob his past but it did make him act like a child again when he cried and ran to his mummy and... Ok that never happened. He was angry though so we just blaimed his next door neighbour and hoped he didn't end up face down in the river.

We couldn't think about what to do for ghost of christmas present so we just gave Rob a chocolate bar which did make him enjoy the present and no that wasn't a pun. No, quit laughing. Oh you were laughing at me were you. I'll ignore that and move on.

For the ghost of christmas future we dumped a rug over Rob's head and pushed him off a small cliff. Why we did this we just don't know but it was funny anyway. Oh Rob was fine if you're wondering. He seemed to dance with joy when he pulled the rug off. We were quite abit above him and we were walking away but we were sure we could hear him signing christmas carols.

Anyway after this little adventure we had to bring christmas cheer to Rob we made our first success. Rob is full of christmas cheer now that he's suing us for what we did to him. He sure is jolly now. HO HO HO.

Rob now powerful and wealthy. He wears his santa hat and waves to us from his mansion somewhere in the country.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

This is Brins

Brins here *kzirck* have just infiltrated Land of Rob HQ *kjrkr* preparing to secure the perimeter.

Too late, I've been caught! But it's okay, I have my ID. Rob gave me express permission to come to work for his blog, which just goes to show how wonderful he really is. I think we should celebrate this uniting of blog owners with the first in a series of comic strips Rob's kindly given me permission to make for him. This is a Land of Rob exclusive, so you shouldn't be seeing these comics anywhere else, unless of course somebody steals them. Three cheers for the Land of Rob! Hurrah!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Rob has come out of his palace to give a message of greatness. Let's see what he has to say...


Yes you heard it first here folks, Rob has given us words of wisdom in his busy life. Only The Rob can give us these sort of speaches. So short yet so complex. Just sit a minute to study what he is saying. "Hello" now this shows us that he knows he is not all powerful like a god but he tries not to pretend by speaking in such a normal way. This shows us how stable minded he is and how much of a great leader he is. Yes and also it can reveal his amazing past as he was not always as powerful as he is by revealing the way he used to speak before he got into power. This creates the imagine of a more fun loving Rob, a Rob who would speak as anyother person, a Rob who began with nothing but moved on to become a wonderful leader. A leader who never lost touch with his past and feels no contempt for it.

And just think. He took the time to say this word of wonder. This tells me how great a leader he is that he never forgets about the people in his country. That he takes the time to talk to us and will never ignore anyone who comes up to him with a question or problem and will never let them go empty handed but will always do his best to give them what they seek.

There is a lot more that I can say about this speech but I think it will spoil the whole point of this post that this was all a big pile of... well you get the idea.

News in the Land of Rob. The events when they happen brought to you by Rob's team, live.

Today headlines were made when spotted by people of Rob, strange flying objects were reported moving across the sky. As to the cause, scientists and Rob followers were left baffled as they watched the objects flying slowly through the air. The great Rob had claimed today that "there is no cause for alarm, except that we may all be destroyed like in various movies." But after all the mass panic had calmed down, it was proven that the objects were experimental airships created by scientists from our neighbour country. Yes thanks to the quick action from our loving and forgiving leader, Rob, we are now at full scale war with this country.

In sport today the death match between the great warriors saw it's first death today after months of bad publisity from the public because of "no real deaths." Now that it has finaly happened nobody is planning to attened another fight. When interviewed the fans said "it's just no fun when it's real. We were wrong to say otherwise." After these events happened the owners of death match were destroyed.
The yearly swimming championship was concluded without any hitches. The overall champion, Dioty Jackson, was awarded a gold medal given to him by his local counciler.

In other news the dust that was spotted last month in Rob Ville was not caused by the mole men of doom but by giant ducks. A solution to this problem has not yet been reached but the local counciler insists that they shall soon have it under control. Meanwhile the giant ducks seem to be gathering in numbers for what we all assume will be an attack on this country.

In more important news Rob has shown how much of a loving leader he is by dressing someone up as a santa to hand out one gift this year to the first person he meets on the street. Yes indeed you can almost see a warm glow of kindness coming from him. It is going to be a very merry christman thanks to Rob who has found it in his heart to allow this holiday to happen after twenty years.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Holidays of Rob.

The lovely sunsets of The Land of Rob.

In the lovely land of Rob you can enjoy many things. Yes indeed The Land of Rob has been awarded 5 stars as best place for a holiday here. Yes stay in our award winning hotels and enjoy a relaxing experience on our beaches*.

*hotel awards were awarded to the best hotels in The Land of Rob and the beaches are nearly clean after the oil spill.

Yes sir you will love this country which has its pride of three years with no crimes*.

*even the smallest crime is punished by death without trial.

Yes The Land of Rob has everything. And under the command of our glorious leader Rob, you can expect the best*.

*the land of Rob has everything but only in its most basic form. The term "the best" refers to the best that we can provide which is awful as Rob has kindly made us homeless while you stay in our homes for your holiday. All hale the mighty Rob.