Tuesday, January 31, 2006

If anyone has been wondering why there hasn't been any posts recently then we have some bonechilling news. The Rob has gone missing!!!!

Where he is is a mystery. Our only clue is his two new friends that we saw him talking to a few days ago. Anyone know them? They were large men who looked very bored. If anyone sees them will they let us know at once please. What else. Oh yes, they were wearing identical white coats and they seemed to want Rob to go on a ride with them in their van. The van was marked as if it had come from a hospital. What evil men they are to go around pretending they are doctors.

This is the story of our last sighting of Rob:

After a hard day of being Rob, Rob returned home with us to talk about Rob. After half an hour of Rob, Rob heard his doorbell. He said it must be his "new friends." Rob told us that these people worked at the hospital and were quite interested in "all things Rob." The "new friends" told us that they wanted to see Rob alone.

After a sword fight and many world wars, we were convinced to leave. When we were half way down the street we turned round to see Rob with the "new friends" leaving the house. The "new friends" must have wanted Rob to join a club or something because we could see he was wearing a white coat as well but of a different kind. I don't know if Rob was quite happy as his arms were crossed but he seemed to be dancing a jig. Must have been a kind of game.

The van drove off making a sort of wailing noise with flashing lights. We can only guess that this means they had a mini disco in there. Anyway we havn't seen Rob since.

The next day we recieved a card from those "new friends" telling us that Rob was fine and well and that they were "taking good care of him". They havn't said how much money they want for him but we think that it is only a matter of time before they start demanding.

What are we to do? Without Rob there is... well no Rob.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shocking repeat of events in The Land of Rob today!!!

Police in The Land of Rob today are looking for the infamous cat villian who has been spotted leaving hair on the ground in public areas.

"This is an obvious sign that the police are no help," comments the village idiot, "that this could happen right under there noses."

The police have confirmed that they are dealing with the same moggy who had down the altimit crime and left hair on The Rob's bed.

The police are begging for any leads on the cat's location. They insist that it is on the upmost importance that this cat be caught alive and well so as they can be sure of no more hair being left so cruely on the ground for the public to find.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

In production - COMING SOON

Because we found a way to post videos on this site we thought we'd create a shortish film. This film is about little lego figures who are out of focus. Something we couldn't avoid. So far, after a lot of shouting and computer crashes and patience we made the opening scene. Or to be more accurate, Rob made it and we just watched as he worked away, swore and cursed (literaly) it was so funny. Well it was his idea and story. Quite comical. 8 hours for 2 minutes of film. Hee hee this will take for ever. But it should be worth it in the end.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


We made the vids work better. Now you can enjoy what we make in less loading time. Visit Rob's videos and see for your self.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The voice of Rob.

Yes you heard it here first people. Today the team at Robonthenet convinced Rob to make a short film about a door to test a new found way to post vids on this site. They did this because the quiz seemed to be facing diffilculties.

Want to find out the way Rob did this? Well this website was very helpful as it shows you a step by step guide in vid form. Maybe a little cheesy but hey it works, sort of.

Santa Claus Update

Breaking news: Rob himself has made an official statement about the situation surrounding Santa Claus, who has recently been rallying children across the world to not like the Land of Rob, which is simply a horrible thing to corrupt their young minds.

The statement is locked in a secret vault deep within Rob's castle, and I have been told that I can't reveal its contents. However, I have been given permission to make a counter-statement in defence of the Land of Rob, which Rob hopes will put the Land of Rob back in favour with children. The statement reads as follows:

"Free candy for all!!"
At last, the question that has been on everybody's mind: Are you anything like Rob?

Rob has done it again!!!! He has made a new quiz site which right now has one quiz. Click here to go.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Scandal in the Land of Rob

Shocking news has arrived in the Land of Rob, and panic has spread across its whole breadth and width. Reports have been confirmed that Santa Claus has made a speech to children across the world, telling them complete and utter lies about the nature of the Land of Rob. Claus has been reported as saying such things as "don't go to the Land of Rob", which is a completely outrageous suggestion. If you disagree, report to Rob for an appropriate prison sentence.

Other parts of his speech include a positively disgusting recommendation for children to not submit to Rob's promises of free candy, and instead continue to respect their parents in place of Rob, who should - of course - be their father.

This madness must be stopped at once. If anybody has information on the current location of Claus, or any idea as to where he might be, report to Rob immediately, or pay an appropriate fine.

We have received several testimonials from some of the poor, devastated children to whom the Red Demon (newly established official name of Santa Claus under Rob's Official Dictionary) gave his speeches. So as not to compromise people's privacy, we reproduce them only with Rob's permission.
"I couldn't believe my young ears when Santa started speaking to me about the Land of Rob in a bad way. I am English, and naturally have every intention of rebelling against my parents and living under Rob in his glorious Land. Santa Claus must be stopped before he does something even worse. I am a real person; ask Rob, and he will show you this photo to prove that this is not a hoax, before having you shot for doubting him."

"I am disgraced by Santa's shameful hate-tactics, as well! I shall not reveal my true identity, but, as you can see, I am in fact Captain R, hero to children everywhere. Well, I'm here to tell all my fellow children that the Land of Rob is cool, and Santa Claus is not."

So, there you have it. What more proof do you need? Of course, you never needed any proof, at least unless you're a criminal.

I am, of course, the same Brins as the very one who writes for his own blog here, so you can trust me as well.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Terrible storm broke out tonight on The Land of Rob cutting power and making a noise. Oh no!!!!

The storm battered against the window of the mighty towers of Rob's castle causing damage to the builder who Rob demanded should be ready incase any tiles fell off.

Luckily no tiles were lost or damaged even when the cow hit. The bad news is that a new builder will have to be called in.

With the high winds, many power lines were blown down leaving many without power but luckily the Rob was unaffected as he kindly diverted power from the national grid to his own home, giving us some as well.

The noise of this storm made poor suffering Rob stay up all night. This was good news for us as he was so bored... I mean so kind that he happily found the time to work out the problem of growing poverty in our lovley country. Rob's new plan is simple. We basicly alter the data in these peoples' bank accounts so they now have money. Simple and made legal by Rob's power.

Oh also, Rob having stayed awake three nights in a row went slowly mad this night thinking there were ghosts about. After giving a few harmless taps to his many servents he finaly was escorted to bed where he slept almost at once. New servents were hired no questions asked about what happened to the originals. And life now continues happily as it always has done in this country. Always happy. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

Hey look at this picture. Why it looks like Rob is wearing lipstick there. Hee hee. OW!!! I only said it looked like it.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Horror faced in the middle of race in The Land of Rob today!!!

Today infront of thousands of happy spectators the unthinkable happened. A giant robotic dinosaur attacked the race causing no damage but just extreme annoyance.
The race was called off after the dinosaur ate it's third car and stood in the middle of the track blocking the race entirely.
This counts the 5th such attack on races this month and the track manager today promised tighter dinofeances to be placed around every racetrack but the public are not convinced. "I know they do try to protect us from these reptiles," said Bill, "but everytime they promise us something will improve it always gets worse. Remember the chicken assault."
Despite these complaints the pubic were told that races will continue right after the large cardboard boxes are moved.

In other news...nothing happened.
Robonthenet is back with a special post. Never forget the original site.